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Vecka 10:
Vecka 11: The water crisis: How California overcomes the drought | David Sedlak
Vecka 12: Fresh water scarcity: An introduction to the problem – Christiana Z. Peppard
Vecka 13: Re-thinking progress – The circular economy
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Vecka 14: Why zero matters.
Vecka 15: Så här håller du hjärnan i trim
Vecka 16: When performing gets in the way of improving
Vecka 17: Asking Dumb Questions Is a Smart Move | Tim Ferriss
Vecka 18: How to practice effectively…for just about anything – Annie Bosler and Don Greene
Vecka 19: Rotary Doctors Sweden i Kenya
Vecka 20: Where is cybercrime really coming from?
Vecka 21: Facing your fears | Will Smith
Vecka 22: Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy
Vecka 23: To walk with pride
Vecka 24: Youth Exchange: ’A Fabulous Experience’
Vecka 25: RI General Secretary och rapport från Rotarykonvention i Atlanta | John Hewko
Vecka 26: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes | Andy Puddicombe
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Vecka 27: Andrew Young
Vecka 28: Rotary Talks
Vecka 29: Rotary Peace Center
Vecka 30: Sveriges Nationalparker
Vecka 31: Rotary Doctors
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Vecka 39: Kosta Boda featuring Ernst Billgren
Vecka 40: Johannes Gutenberg
Vecka 41: The Power of Visual Communication: Video vs. Article
Vecka 42: Two different ways to write a book
Vecka 43: Rotary and Americorps work with Small Farmers in U.S.
Vecka 44: Sveagruvan, ett högriskprojekt på Svalbard
Vecka 45: FN:s 17 globala hållbarhetsmål
Vecka 46: Petter Stordalen
Vecka 47: The story of polio
Vecka 48: Japan
Vecka 49: